Faire Ve Sante: Prince Yombei

by Butterfly

My dear. . .
I am the sum
Seven powers to
the seven unseine
My cheeks sink in
massive bosoms

I sleep in heavens
biblicals pray to find words

It would be the falls
my reign shall occur

My dear...


I offer rich black
soil rubles emeralds
That be our nation!
that be our hishertree

I make forest stream
milky interludes poets
beg their inspiration... acquisit

My dear...
I am the brown knight
my hands extending trees

encase the soft strong
of you

My dear
holds my tongue
in bamboo sighs
holds my bass in soprano rituals
holds my face in the palm

of a son

My dear...



      - a Butterfly's opinion -

Faire Ve Sante: Prince Yombei by Butterfly

© Copyright 1998. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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