Dance the Taipahday Dance

by Butterfly

        when the rain
surely comes
all the maids
dance and pray
taipahday o taipahday

        taipahday lay me down
rape my child away
taipahday close me up
say that I have no face

        taipahday give me drink
say its good for me
but it makes me mean
make my mind        evil-cry
taipahday-see with evil eyes

        no not want
no not need
no not like
what's in me

taipahday knows
taipahday dreams
taipahday bites
taipahday burries in me
me me's

all the maids dance shoo-shoo taipahday

taipahday rise
taipahday mean
taipahday can't dance
taipahday just trick me memories
but maids dance for me
dance for me me's

all the maids dance           shoo!

- a Butterfly's opinion -

Dance the Taipahday Dance by Butterfly

© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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