Decorative Pillows

by SBoyson

a foreign fragrance permiates his skin 
as he tries to justify this sin 
and savor the thought.. be it ever so short 
denying that he's the sort 
that would steal water from another well 
never mind that his own had'nt run dry 
yet he answered her cry with one of his own. 
it started as emotional adultery 
you know.. sharing things not meant to be shared 
like your inner thoughts.. fears.. dreams.. hopes 
and the things that you broke.. like.. 
and don't forget.. homes. 
somehow they see a future through these cracks 
willingly carrying this load on their backs 
believing that they have the 'right stuff' 
he'll swear to it too.. as time is his ally 
and the pillows on her bed are for decorations.

Decorative Pillows by SBoyson

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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