With great difficulty I was brought into this
world. Sorry it hurt so much mama...how do
you see me?
I see you with love.
I was slow to walk and fell many times, but
pops you were always there to help me
up...how do you see me?
I see you with patience.
You let me ride your bike all day yesterday
yet I wouldn’t let you use my glove. as a
friend... how do you see me?
I see you can disappoint me.
I made $25 dollars cutting lawns today. I'll
split it with you lil bro just for keeping me
company...how do you see me?
You've learned how to give.
The grade on my physics final came as a
surprise to you. I missed 4 assignments yet it
went from a C to an A...how do you see me?
I see you can be dishonest.
You told me to be home by 11, but mama the
party wasn’t over until 2. Stop treating me
like a child...how do you see me?
You are disobedient and defiant...time to go
Got a job today. I need my independence and
my own space. The clashes are affecting the
whole family...how do you all see me?
I see you becoming a man.
Rushed out of the apartment to get to the
store before it closed. Its cold, collar up,
hat down, police stop me...how do you see me?
Hands against the wall you black muthaf..ka,
you fit the description of a purse-snatcher.
Two more calls where the caller hangs up.
Things you didn’t and I wouldn’t buy for
myself hang in the closet...how do you see me?
I see you didn’t take our vows seriously.
The interview went very well or so I thought.
I have all the qualifications, im the right
man for the job...how do you see me?
Sorry, but that job has been filled.
My crown is peppered, my ARP card expired.
The spring and bounce are gone so I rely on
wisdom and experience now...how do you see me?
I see you getting old.
My life, and accomplishments are lauded by
family and friends, but not to applauses. I
recognize Amazing Grace playing softly in the
background...how do you see me?
We only see you in our hearts and photos now.
From cradle to crave I am who I am. No one
pair of eyes sees me the same way.
Believing is my strenght to endure the eyes
that don’t see me and affirmation for those
who do...how do you see me?
I see you the way others do.