contemplating the origin of this repose..
is it the two tequila's back?.. or
this mind-meld with a name
that's instant freeze frame?
focusing my mind on a like kind
whose styling's test gray matter quotients
plus doses of conjecture..
in erotica brewedsosweet
that it pleases the palate
making thought's valid
from 'round midnight'
to dawns early light
soul 2 soul.. in a common goal
that won't atone for 'nothing ventured'
thru rhyme im indentured
to examine each facet
of this duality.
is it the two tequila's back?
or the narrowness of the path?
that facilitates my gaze..
sublimate if you will
for nature's course is unhindered
and uninhibited..
when to thine own self be real.
as we strive to
free us..
just be us..
revelation.. will deliver us