Andre Bowser

Andre Bowser is a former journalist and college educator. His articles and essays have been published in newspapers and magazines across the country, including New York Newsday, The Hartford Courant in Connecticut, and the East Valley Tribune in Arizona. My fiction has appeared in the University of Connecticut’s Long River Review, receiving the Jennie Hackman Memorial Prize for fiction (2002); Today's Black Woman Magazine (2004); Contraposition Literary Magazine (2014), and prominently on my author's website,, as well as popular social media platforms. He taught writing at Arizona State University for three years, served in the military for 13 years, and he currently works for the U.S. Department of Labor as the Northeast regional deputy director of public affairs.

You can contact Andre Bowser via e-mail at or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

Works on TimBookTu by Andre Bowser


A Dream of South Africa

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