Check Points

by Blue

Enslaved, held in ignorance by a society 
so they can pocket more wealth and money.

Were we the only flu-shot hoarding ones?

They said world-wide many wouldn't make without it...
why hold on to your weak...whose future's already bleak?

The mental virus's now released.

What was that stuff... anyway? 
Some government study?
Something dormant, something tracking?
Something they won't take themselves?
More lies portraying facts and...

Maybe a lot of nothing...
So,,,they make their sales.
Moneys spend on what?  

It's in the food, the drinks, milk and clothes...

We all 'once knew' that if you get hungry before you poop...
it was an enviromental cravin'...yet...
you're now, in the 'loop'.

I see a lot of things happening and some new
Had a good seat at a lot of right times...
to see the platforms of this nation.

We are truly blessed to live in these 'times'.
Giving witness as 'ancients' re-gain power.

It's amazing how nature can't be colonized 
or compromised just as amazing as monsoon showers.

It's amazing how the earth replenishes itself with what it needs...
it's breath...
it's blood... revitalizing, emphasizing, 
mesmerizing a 'whole' world...again and again.

There's programming with programmed media...
de-sensitizing the wrong, the bad and sad...preying on the mad.

Throwing thoughts out of order...
bursting souls, blowing up dreams...
distorting reality for some masonic order.

Unable to smother the spiritual-high brain of Kush or Kemet...
victim to idolatry of 'power'
who's reign is limited to the hour.

When did 'media' become our 'medium'...
something like a hundred years or so.   
These changes since weren't slow. 
They can now... pick my eye-color in an embryo.  
Even change my know. 
Shameless games and frames they 'call' freedom. 
Yet sorrow grows.

All of that and more, tryin to change my nubian mind...
yet, like the earth...not my design. 
My consciousness makes them 'paranoid.

They can make me 'feel' happiness internally... 
but 'GOD' gives me 'JOY'...eternally.


'Oh, freedom o'er me...'.

Check Points by Blue

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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