It was once said never bite the hands who feed you.
And here I am the black fist that rises in a symbol of power and pride.
And here I am a simple worker working for you for years
But only to receive a dime a month,
Forget the time I put in forget the children, which come with a fine.
And here I am the hands who pushed violence away
Signaling for peace to march in with its head up high.
And here I am the hands that just wanted equality and not poverty.
And hear I am the hands beating my drums,
For freedom to come.
And here I am the hands that brought you Maya Angelo,
Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, and W.E.B,
Which gave to us words of joy, sadness, and triumph.
And here I am the hands of a woman
Symbolizing, beauty and all that is good.
And here I am the hands of a man,
Symbolizing strength, and power.
And we stand the hands of black men and women.
Beautiful, full of strength, power and all that is good,
Giving a life of it’s own,
Bitten by the wild, untamed, evil, conniving man-
A lazy man, a shameful man!
And yet, we are the hands that brought you your children, your cloths,
Your foods on your plates and did your jobs!
And still, clutching on to hope, while
Standing next to the shameful man hand and hand.
The Black Hand.