Just To Be Rid Of You

by Blackpearl

I just want to be rid of you
It's not like I still see you
But you haunt my dreams
And when you tell me things
I think they are true
Like you still love me
What is wrong with me
You treat me as though I am just some girl
Calling you and I have meant nothing to you
Why do I feel so strongly for you
when all you did was hurt me anyway
I need to be locked away
for still feeling the same way about you
This is going to be one of the hardest things to work through
I could go on and on about you
But you are not worth the effort
I have to get over you, I know this is what I must do
It's taken so long to forget about you
Maybe because I haven't found a replacement for you
I don't want my recovery to be based on anything 
But my discovery of myself
And what I am worth
More precious than any substance on earth

Just To Be Rid Of You by Blackpearl

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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