Don't Quote Me...

by Blackpearl

I visit my old heartbreak
Reading poems of yesterday
Of an ache that would never seem to go away
A love I thought would never die
And even then, I had no clue why
I loved him they way I did
It took 3000 miles, 3 years, and an unplanned kid
Before I was finally on my way
I guess I stopped writing about him 
Because there was nothing left to say
I had cried all of my words out through my pen
I still don't know what I was thinking then
I guess it's safe to say, I wasn't thinking then
Like I am thinking today
Today is a new day full of fresh promises and problems
I know now, I will always have difficulty
But I don't need a man to solve them
Today is a day when I am after my goals
It's a little frightening sometimes
Cuz I don't know what the future holds
New love is in bloom like a fresh April shower
But don't quote me on that
Cuz things might change tomorrow
Not to be cold or mean
I just don't have time to be squandering
My precious time and energy
Which could be spent on achieving my dreams
He is a good man
I will give him that
His heart is in the right place
And I really like that
He is not one to cheat or really mess around
And he shows me in every way
He appreciates what he has found
Treats me like a jewel
I will venture to say
But don't quote me on that
I'm just loving him today
It's one thing I've learned in my 29 years
In love there are no guarantees
Either you leave them alone
Or fight through your fears
We always want assurance that love will last
I find the only thing that does is yoru past
It has the ability to haunt you sometimes
And at the most inconvenient times
So with new love comes new promises and hope
It's nice for a change to have someone there to help me cope
To wrap his arms around me from behind
and say something to stimulate my mind
Something that keeps me from feeling so alone
Something to let me know, he's on the same level that I'm on
It's a comfort and a lot different I must say
But don't quote me on that, things might change today…

Don't Quote Me... by Blackpearl

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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