To My Soulmate

by Blackheaven

God Sent
This blessing, so unexpected, 
has left me enchanted beyond measurement
And it causes me to move to a melody that only  I can hear
It seems as if I'm obsessed, posessed 
and intrigued by the very essence of you
Intoxicated by the mere presence of you
You are my inspiration,my aspiration
Like Beatrice was to Dante,so you are to me
My everything,my reason for living,my reason for breathing
Without you my life is that of a Shakespeare tragedy
You see,without you my love would be put to rest
My fate would be that of Juliet
You are the possesor of everything that makes me who I am
You are the reciever of all my love
You are simply my man

To My Soulmate by Blackheaven

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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