No Silent Prayer

by Blackheaven

Never thought she'd be suicidal
But she was just a girl and the world seemed so simple then
She wasn't prepared for it's cruelty
Found herself right in the middle of it
Fell down and cried herself to sleep
Woke up with fear still lingering
Fell down and cried herself to sleep again
Can't find peace anywhere
Wonder if it's in the medicine cabinet somewhere
If she knew what was on the other side
She would've tried a long time ago
But she's afraid of the unknown
So she tries her best to be black woman strong
Eventhough it gets worse and worse
Day by day
Still, she prays
Sits in the back pew and tears fill her eyes
Cause she's not understanding
She's feeling abandoned, so she screams
She doesn't have anyone else
No point in trying to help herself
Cause she's shattered to pieces
Her soul needs reconstruction
She's only one step from destruction
But all she can do is wait and pray
Pray and wait
Hoping he'll step in before she gives in
Before her emotions overpower her fear of death
Before nothing is all that is left.....of her

No Silent Prayer by Blackheaven

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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