Recreational Green's

by Birdie Houston

Since you pledged allegiance
To the Benjamin's,
Machine made recreational green backs,
You've really started tripping...
You never give a shout!
Cause you're busy, flipping out.

"Incoherent, are we?"
And the need are the greedy?
Someone sure need to compose their self,
Jigging as though, the whole world's spoils,
Are in their hands,

Pledging allegiance,
To the Benjamin's isn't all you do,
You pledge...your chopper, yacht,
And private jets too.
Have you ever heard,
To thine own self be true?

Just what I figured!


Recreational Green's by Birdie Houston

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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