
by Birdie Houston

She built her empire,
Feeling in her gut...
Someday it was going to come,
I too...shall make things happen,
I choose to make things work,
Move over doubt...
Cause I'm stepping out...
On faith,
For all things are possible,
I shall stay focused,
Always...thinking positive,
Taking life one day at a time,
Walking with one foot in front of the other,
Even with unfairities of life's up's and down's
Hardships, and struggles,
I'll keep holding on to hopes and dreams,
I'll take my chances,
Climbing the ladder of success,
No matter how long it takes,
I'll get there, someday.
Madame CJ Walker...My inspiration,
Knew the feeling.
I too believe...faith will lead the way.

Empire by Birdie Houston

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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