Stuck Between The Game

by Bilal Berthony

I sit here
stuck between the games
that I used to play
and the life I want to share

I sit here
hoping that there
is a space in your heart
not consumed by hurt
or filled with fear

I sit here
knowing that you deserve an apology
I want to show you that I’m sorry
even though you were not hurt by me
but by someone
who looks just like me
who sounds...
just like me
who told you that he wanted
to share his world with you
just like...

Although it wasn’t me
I sit here and take the blame
I played those games at a younger age
or should I say
a younger state of mind?
A man pays for the games a boy plays
All things come back in time

Right now I want to show you
that I’m ready for love
Can’t you hear it in my voice?
or see it in my eyes?
I guess your senses have been distorted
by the poison in his lies

So I continue to sit here
stuck between the games
that he has played...
continues to play on you
I hope you don’t miss your chance at love
but that’s really up to you

Stuck Between The Game by Bilal Berthony

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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