I Am A Liar

by Bilal Berthony

I am a liar
I am a cheat
I am the enemy
Baby faced bandit
Pirating passion's seas
Navigating through treasures
The prince of all thieves
Hunter in the concrete jungle
Preying on femininity
I am the cause
I am the cure
Of heartache
Wolf cloaked in Trojans
The reason sex is never safe
I am your weakness
I am your strength
The one you love to hate
I am the question
I am the answer
The one you feel compelled to debate
Until I deflect your aggression
Like a skilled matador
Rejecting your affection
Until heart is heard hitting floor
Replacing the sound of
"I love you more"
The deletion recognized
Your eyes lose their fire
Until I give you what you want
But you know that I am a liar

I Am A Liar by Bilal Berthony

© Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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