Morning Mystic Thoughts Of Him

by Tony Bennett I woke tried from my days burden,
my thoughts lay at the feet of the Master
and I was comforted.
His light ever living within me,
gives my mind cool comfort and this soul relief…….

The Bread Of My Soul Art Thou!

The Bread of my soul art Thou!
The Strength of my heart art Thou!
The Treasure of my life art Thou!
Methinks I hear Thy Voice, 
I hear the sound of Thy Flute.

Sometimes I see Thee
Coming quick from a grove,
Beautiful and bright!
And over Thee I see
A touch of Fire,
A Flame of Beauty!
And from the Flame doth come
A Voice: but I understand it not.

And I sob and cry:
“O meet me, Master!”
No more separtion!

Sometimes I see, 
When all is dark, 
That in the Heart within
Doth shine a Light, Thy Light!
And the I cry:
“I have seen
What I have seen!”

And again I cry:
“Holy! Holy! Holy!
The Holy One have I seen!”
And a Voice I hear again:
It speaketh to my heart:
“Open to Me like oceans,
For I come quickly!”
I open! But Thou art gone!
But Thou shine within me always…

So Lord, Make My Heart Pure

Make my heart pure, my soul from error free, 
Make tears and sight my daily lot to be, 
And lead me on The road away from self
That lost to self I may approach to Thee!

Set enmity between the world and me, 
Make me averse from worldly company:
From other objects turn away my heart, 
So that it is engrossed with love to Thee.

How wer it, Lord, if Thou should’st set me free
From error’s grasp and cause me truth to see?
Guebres by scores Thou makest Musulmans,
Why, then not make a Musulman of me?
My lust for this world and the next efface, 
Grant me the crown of poverty and grace
To be partaker in Thy mysteries,
From paths that lead not towards Thee turn my face
For I live with Thee and my heart is pure in Your presence….

These thoughts, these wants, these needs
are the heart felt wishes
from the inner sanctum which live within me,
this place were the “Mystics In Love” reside
and that for love which is given by God
and only excepted by those of pure heart
in their moment towards the Most High…

With all my hopes and dreams…
Until We Touch Again and his light moves us closer to the Throne…

Tony Bennett

Morning Mystic Thoughts Of Him by Tony Bennett

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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