Ode To Dre1One

by Beautifulvoice3

This newness though scary is most comfortable.

A simple hello would sustain me, around you I am still a little unsure.

Have I over stepped my boundaries, now that I am craving your touch.

Did I open a closed passage way that should have remained shut.

So confident and perfect, much more than a mere man.

I can't deny or pretend; I enjoy the feel of your hand.

You see behind the vail; the outer shell; meticulously worn for some.

This experience is like non other, your are special...

my friend, as well as, my lover...Dre1One

Ode To Dre1One by Beautifulvoice3

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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