A Thin Line

by Bam

I love you, though I've never seen you
But I heard you were the color of hot fudge
With eyes like onyx or opal
Lips soft and sweet as honey
With a body like Venus, Serena, Naomi, Tyra, and Neferititi

I hate you, though I've never seen you
Because my dreams always stop when I'm awake
And you're gone until I'm able to dream again

I love you, though I've never heard you
But I heard your voice is like an exotic bird
Singing melodies Kenny G never dreamed of
With the power and authority of a sistah
Who needs to, has to, should be recognized as Queen

I hate you, though I've never heard you
Because you talk to my heart and mind
And make this strong man feel sooo weak

I love you, though I've never touched you
But I heard you're warm and inviting
Like a fireplace, bearskin rug, and Crystal
When it's cold and dangerous outdoors
You're comfort and love and everything in between

I hate you, though I've never touched you
Because you're not here when I go to bed
To hold me, comfort me, console me
And make me feel complete

I love you, though I don't really know you
But I heard you were the embodiment
Of what our ancestors cherished and our captors coveted
The very essence of African royalty and 
Natural, yeah girlfriend, natural

I hate you, though I don't really know you
Because you inhabit every thought,
Breath I take, and beat of my heart

I hate you, because

I love you sooo much

A Thin Line by Bam

© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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