A Good Brotha
(The Sistah Repella)

by Bam

Oh, she was so beautiful
So dark, chocolate, and smooth
Voice like silk or satin
Electric shocks whenever she moved

She answered correctly
To every single question I had
And whenever our eyes met
Thoughts converted from good to bad

I mean the good kind of bad
Wanting to please this queen
Realizing I'd found
The woman of my dreams

But I had a fatal flaw
One I've had for years
Giving her all of me
The strength, the fun, the tears

I thought that's what she wanted
But not all at one time
Yes, she wanted all of me
But wanted me to make her mine

I needed so much
I needed her to be my friend
I needed her tobe my woman
From the beginning until the end

If I had it all together
What would I need her for
She maight have wanted a man
But I wanted so much more

She's so damn Special
Can't get her off my mind
But I have to let her go
I'm just not the begging kind

I'm gonna work on me
I guess I have to do it myself
But if I have no one be side me
I won't want anyone else

I wish my sistah would tell me
Exactly what she wants from me
I'll never be complete without her
But I'll survive with G.O.D.

A Good Brotha (The Sistah Repella) by Bam

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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