
by Dee Baker

Friends till the end
Or so you said
This is the thought
that keeps going thru my head
but none of this rings true
Nothing you now say or do
is recognizable
as a friendship bond
And after I'd grown so fond
of you...
To have my friend
drop me like a bad habit
I feel ashamed
as if I'd been told
"Silly Rabbit!!"
Tricks really are for kids...
I'm almost sure that someone is
taking the place
I once held
you could have been honest
but you failed...
Failed to explain
show me your position
and make it plain
that our friendship was over
No... you're using big words
and giving back handed reasons
to try and cover
the fact that
your vibe has changed
causing me pain
just a shame!

Why couldnt you trust me with the truth
mannnnnnn.... whats the use?
Its done now, its over...
but I now and will always wonder
just what it is people mean
when they call me

Friends by Dee Baker

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