Good Black

by Cassie Ayers

They survived the dank dark dungeon
in Elmina Castle by the shore
Cause, Good Black don't crack 
Like a Phoenix Rising, They Soar

They passed the door of "no return"
Never knowing the atrocities in store
But, Good Black don't crack 
Like a Phoenix Rising, They Soar

The middle passage was heinous
Inhumane treatment the guarantor
But, Good Black don't crack 
Like a Phoenix Rising, They Soar

The auctions blocks, the cotton fields
Chained and shackled by a boor
But, Good Black don't crack 
Like a Phoenix Rising, They Soar

They followed the Underground Railroad
Harriet Tubman their conductor 
Cause, Good Black don't crack 
Like a Phoenix Rising, They Soar

From Nat Turner's revolt, to the Amistad
We want freedom cried the stentor 
Cause Good Black don't crack 
Like a Phoenix Rising, They Soar

The Emancipation Proclamation 
Finally came to the fore
Cause Good Black don't crack 
Like a Phoenix Rising, They Soar

The Klu Klux Klan, the Jim Crow laws 
Inflicted injustices galore
But, Good Black don't crack 
Like a Phoenix Rising, They Soar

They built their own schools, churches and businesses
In hopes of evening the score
Cause, Good Black don't crack 
Like a Phoenix Rising, They Soar

They later joined the great migration
To cities that promised much more
Cause Good Black don't crack 
Like a Phoenix Rising, They Soar

Then came the Civil Rights Movement
Led by groups like NAACP and CORE 
Cause Good Black don't crack 
Like a Phoenix Rising, They Soar

Obama became the first African American President
A man of integrity and decor
Cause Good Black don't crack 
Like a Phoenix Rising, They Soar

Today the struggles continue
But, one thing I do know for sure
That Good Black don't crack, 
Like a Phoenix Rising, They Soar

Good Black by Cassie Ayers

© Copyright 2011. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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