Dedicated to people of color
who have fought anywhere in the world
Dodging for cover
as a scorching sun hovered.
Trying to keep the enemy at bay
as I brush frustrated tears away.
Sifting through the jungle,
avoiding thick wild vines
as I watch for a sign
to attack my prey.
All the while hoping that I will be saved
and that this battle won't
cut me off or
snuff out my life
without a chance to fight.
And yes, I'm defending my country
but Lord there has to be another way
to bring peace to the world today.
Snaking through tangled weeds,
hate planted as a million seeds
on a minefield of lost souls
with stories yet untold.
Yet I forge forward, bold,
crawling along on my belly,
feeling lonely, homesick and cold.
And I'm working to control my breathing,
my chest heaving
as I realize somewhere
a mother or wife is grieving.
Trudging through mud worms
flattened under my boots
wondering when I would have to shoot?
What about chemical or biological warfare
and the fall out effects?
Would anyone think?
Would they even dare?
Nobody really seemed to care
about solutions to real problems, issues,
or other affairs.
Or even about amending sins.
So I do as I'm told,
moving through the combat zone.
staying strong so I can win
and go home.