by Mumina Bint As-Sunni

Message to the black man

Playing catch me sistah, if you can

Oh! You know how you make

Obscene passes turning around drooling

And eyeballing at sistha’s well-

Endowed inflated assets

It could be someone's mother so learn to have

Respect my brotha


Better, yet, why not find yourself a woman,

Learn to appreciate and adore her, and even try

To keep her by making her all your own

Its cheaper and safer keeping it all at home

Playing in your bedroom

Because that's where you belong


Whether in the bed beneath the sheets

Or doing what you do down on your knees

Brotha!  Use a Condom


Be a brotha and learn to respect one another

Relationships are a two-street becoming a 

One way drive, we have a choice

Lets survive! 

So have fun and learn to rise like waves above  

The tides because love rises and then subside

We don't always keep the one we love by our side

So train your seamen to swim in


And please don't fuss saying I don't ‘want to

Man up and “Don't CRY”

Because oftentimes lives are cut short and

God knows that far too many of us have already



To my nephew Kenneth who died too young


Safe Sex: HIV/AIDS/STDS by Mumina Bint As-Sunni

© Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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