Bury The Niggah

by Mumina Bint As-Sunni

Let us gather together down here in New Orleans, Louisiana
The worse slave state in the history of the world
Our mission is to bury the 'Niggah" by putting on a burial, 
fit for a king
We are going to bury the 'Niggah' in style

So bring all the champagne you can, bring 'forties'
in bottles 
Bring beer in cans
Bring cigars, plates of food, and drinking water
We are going to celebrate the 'Niggah's' slaughter

Be sure to wear your basic black: suits and dresses, 
hats with black veils, black umbrellas, stockings and 
gloves, and a black handkerchief
This is not a black and white affair

It is time we laid the 'Niggah to rest 
and paid him our last respect
The 'Niggah' started out as a captive African and went on 
to become a 'Nigger' and next a loyal Negro, a wise "niggah,
and last a no-good "niggah'
Please somebody pull the trigger 
and hurry and shoot this worthless 'Niggah"

'Niggah' is a word I've never used to to insult black Prince 
and princesses
'Niggah' is a word of insult, disgrace, pain and self-denial
'Niggah' is an UGLY word

Therefore let us bury the 'Niggah' and let it rest in peace

Although some of us would rather be called 'Niggah's' 
instead of Africans or Black folks 
'Niggah's' are in a class all by themselves
'Niggah's' are the epitome of  white folks 
who want to be superior to Black folks

But some of us discovered their secret long, long ago
There are no R E A L 'Niggah's' or R E A L white folks 

Therefore let us bury the 'Niggah' and let it rest in peace

The 'Niggah' started out as a captive African

Bury The Niggah by Mumina Bint As-Sunni

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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