
by Arlene E.

Passion filled thoughts, exhaust my every breathe
With this strong black being, I unite myself
He embraces me ever so tightly
Oh, how I sigh...
We kiss and explore one another bodies
We become lost, DAMN, how I want him
Let's become one,
I want to shower him with droplets of my femininity,
grope his masculinity
Stroking his chocolate toot-sie,
Oh, but should I...,
Oh, how I sigh
I feel as if there's a canon about to erupt inside
Just then, he comes in...
I scream high,
oh, how I sigh,
pressures of his thigh within mine
my hips dance to our heartbeats, as he dance inside,
the beat intensifies,
Erotic, exotic behaviors mystifies our minds,
glossy pearls of his sweat meet mine, "he's making me high"
Oh, I how sigh!

Erotica by Arlene E.

© Copyright 1998. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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