Kind Of Blue

by Aria Nicole

I don't know if it's my navy slacks or multi-colored blue hat, but

today is one of those days that I'm feeling kind of blue. A bit 

confused about my purpose, a little off centered and unable to

focus. A million thoughts running rampant inside my head, and I 

can't seem to grasp just one to make any sense out of what I'm 

feeling. Stevie Wonder's "Fulfillingness' First Finale" plays softly 

in my ear. And he tells me that "Heaven Is 10 Zillion Years 

Away." This is a really wicked album, and I listen to it often. 

But today, every note stroked at the tip of his fingers, and every word 

that he sings, I'm feeling soul deep as if he's singing from the pages 

of my life's story. I'm feeling so blue. Existing among you 

without a clue, as to what to do, or where to go. Alone in a world 

full of people. Feeling blue all by myself. Remembering those who 

love me, those who hurt me, and those who may not be quite 

sure as to how they feel about me. Different shades of blue on a 

background of black hangs over my head and I try to get a grip. 

Snap myself back from the blue funk that I'm currently sinking in. 

Fighting hard to stay afloat, cause I've never been a good 

swimmer but I do know how to stay alive. And these blues have 

g   o   t                              t   o                                g   o   .

Kind Of Blue by Aria Nicole

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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