Chance Meeting

by Anthony Lewis

door bell chimes 
awakened the silence of
a dull sun light morning. I
wheeled up to the entrance.

A twist of the knob and your
essence rushed into my
home. You were selling
magazine subscriptions,
carpet cleaners, inexpensive

jewelry, tickets for a car 
wash? I didn’t care. Thick
legged, small waist. Hips 
that bowed ever so slightly. you
spoke with an accent unfamiliar

to my surroundings. Your
words were exact, well
crafted, as precise as the
fit of your denim shorts. 
There was no pretense in
your words or actions.

I had no interest or money. 
her smile etched in my mind, 
good-byes echo in the entrance way.
The stride of royalty with hips in motion, 
she zero’s in on the next prospect. 


Chance Meeting by Anthony Lewis

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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