We Are the Casualties of Your War

by Stephanie Angelique

We are children wanted for the wrong reasons
Not wanted for the wrong reasons
Conceived without reason at all
All because you react to life's consequences
Instead of acting wisely within your circumstance
Selfishly controlling the dysfunctional nucleus you force us to exist in
And we live with wishes to die
Yet existing on instincts that demand surviving at any cost.
But not really understanding the purpose of survival...
So we strip in the hopes of shedding the layers of pain
That life has developed upon our souls
We sell drugs thinking that supplying people with a temporary escape
Will ultimately supply us with enough sustenance to escape
Our paralyzed existence that we are subliminally trapped in.
And we act out or don't act at all 
Because we sadly accept that dead men walk with every step we take.
We are casualties of your war
Filling jail cells because some children die slow in this war
While others go over seas and become casualties to the second power
Dying fast within the sub wars of life
All because we can't embrace what we don't understand...
Why we your children are the causalities of your personal wars
Personal wars that society has yoked us in 
Making individual choices that manifest 
Into burdens that  become malignant tumors on our spirits
And flesh eating bacteria's on our minds.
And while we mutantly develop we open ourselves up 
To tricks named john who show us our pseudo worth
That we hand over to slim men whose love for us are colder than Icebergs...
Slim men who pimp more than our bodies...they pimp our innocence.
For though we are dead we are still living...living causalities of your war...
A war that would end if you would just stop fighting and be still...
Be still....Be still...enough to let love win.

We Are the Casualties of Your War by Stephanie Angelique

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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