Coltrane As Muse

by Stephanie Angelique

He kissed me with lips that would never touch mine...
but that would touch the deepest parts of my souls being...
Kisses that would linger beyond their desired invocation 

And my loving him went beyond what my heart ever was strong enough to admit...
beyond what my spirit dared to embraced...
for loving him...meant loosing him...
and my now lonely existence is proof of that prophesied feeling. 

But feelings...come...and go...and come again...
so I turn hands once clasped for him...
into hands now uplifted for me...
and I feel the love I unconsciously gave away...
returning to the spaces he left void. 

Coltrane As Muse by Stephanie Angelique

© Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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