Words In The Wind

by Angela Brown

La, di, da, di, da, da, la, di, da, di, da, da 

Words dancing ac- 
Cross the page 
Care-full-lee create- 
Ingo dialog, phasing 
Words; in-and-out, 
Black out. The wisdom 
Formulates a melody, 
Buzzing noise, 
Repeating sounds, 
Rhythm and rhymes, 
Thumping notes 
Laud daddy we like to parody 
Added character 
To space and time - 
Chasing ideas 
That rejoicing hymns of joy 
Of delightful phrases 
Within a single line 
Hay, ho, hay you 
Free-doom rings within 
Freeeeeeeeeely we go, 
Every stanza; crazily 
Mocking words 
Imitating elements 
Pondering emotions that clings 
Within searching, 
Ideas, ideas that radiate 
What up? Words. 

La, di, da, di, di, di, da, da, 
la, di, da, di, di, da, di, da, di, da, di, da, 
la, di, da, di, di, da

Words In The Wind by Angela Brown

© Copyright 2016. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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