Lyrical Poem

by Angela Brown

You do not know how good
You make me feel
When you are around
My life is complete
With your presence
With your touch
I feel loved by you
It is a feeling
I never had before
To trust my life
In your hands
Was a big step
You do not know how it felt
To feel your warm embrace
I opened up to you
To allow this to happen
With so much emotion
I felt love
Love like no other
You captured the essence
Of my heart
When we talked
It added meaning
It was a friendship tied
In a known
Head over heels for you
I remember what love was like
Since your life has not been the same
Your love is forever
In my memories
I remember my first love
My first kiss
My first hug
I reminisce, I remember

Lyrical Poem by Angela Brown

© Copyright 2011. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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