I Black Woman The Mother Of Jesus
Through the eyes of thy God
I give you life I open the tunnels
that you may see life,
summon by thy God,
the incubator of Gods treasures.
I worked the stalls
and mop the floors,
I clean Mrs. Bessie’s kitchen,
I raised her youngest and all.
I the black woman mother of Jesus.
Through the history of the
universe I have stood tall.
I watched the devils hang
my sons from the tree.
I wiped the tears,
and buried my sons.
I have become the
Linking of my sons
crucifixions of the cross.
I the sanctuary of the cross,
the mother marry flows
through my genes.
For every eye and every
life I have felt the
throng of my sons.
My sons continue to
live through me,
nevertheless they have died
For the causes of love and unity.
My sons shall continue
to come until thy God
missions are complete.
Weapons shall not prosper
against thee.
I the mother of thy son
Lord and savior Jesus
who lives through me s
hall live through you.
I mother marry speaks
the serpents have hanged
my son to the cross.
I have been the eyes
that man may live,
I have the breath
when it is to hard to breathe.
I have been the shoulder
when there was no one to lean.
I have been the warrior
and the door step when
my sons decide to leave.
For every life that
I shall give, I the nurture
reclaim thy name.
I woman the mother of
the savior for every
blood that drips live through me.
The slave masters
daughter and the slave
keeper the son who continues to
Feel the same pain.
Massive of armies who
crucified my sons from the tree.
Within the Universe the blood
of thy son shall only claim,
the righteous who
Will armor with the sanctuary
of Gods dreams.
Thy son who have died for thee,
I can now face the world,
let every tongue
Confess as the treason
of thy brothers who stood
before thy brother
turned a deaf ear as they
crucified my son to the tree.
Thy father God no longer
hear there plea’s.
I lye upon the vales of the darkness,
there are those who sit before my feet,
I shall not fear,
paradise that sets before thee.
Fear gives no answer It continues to weep,
my mind is tired , and the battle is longer,
No pills can fight thy battle for thee.
I have given all that I can give,
I leave the torch for those who want
change not the quotes of deliverance of man,
I shall return until my mission is complete.
I leave my seeds of nations that they shall
gain strength in the name of revolution.
My people will break the chains of there feet,
Chains of there risk,
break the chains of there minds.
Let not my death be in vain.
The Angel sets before thy feet.
Thy life has great honor upon the land,
thy giving spirit longer,
no longer for the earth.
Mama has waited long enough,
for thy to return home..
She waits for me at the foot of thy bed.
The doves sings there songs,
I am prepared, to take thy journey home.
I walk with the angels above thy head,
I sing with the doves,
Mama is at the end of the tunnel,
Thou bones are old, an thou will has gone,
I sit upon the end, thy last breath,
Says fair well.
Shed no tears for thee,
thy last breath that I take,
I give to thee thou flowers as I breathe,
the last breath I shall leave with honor,
shed no tears for thee,
Death is life, Oh how we all must leave,
Live for tomorrow,
I have fought on the battle
field and my blood has spill.
Let not thy death be in vain.
Man I look at with shame,
within thy hands I cry the blood.
Broke the chains of my hands
and the chains of my feet,
but never broke the chains
of there mind.
I am free by the armory
of the lord.
Forces by the masters demands,
my chastity stolen and raped,
by the demand who tarnish
the souls of great men.
A coward dies a thousand times ,
but great men only dies once.
I Salute your work was justly done.
I pass the torch to thy son,
when he grows he shall be
a warrior for you dear lord,
I give to thee the silver cup,
an the brass that I ride
upon the chariot to save
the lives, of your lambs
dear lord, I the Shepard’s
as my brother who ride the
red truck, the blood of your blood,
the coverage of your love,
the bells ring to let the
world know that protections
is on its way.
The chariot that
comes to save lives.
I black woman Mother
of thy brother Jesus
his hair was white as snow
his feet black as a furnance
Validation not needed.
I the mother of Jesus.
I Black Woman Warrior
of the cloth.
thy judgment shall, be not upon the earth,
But the paradise that thy father sits upon thou world.
Thou flowers a great abundance of the land,
The love for human kind, has left the marks of thy fame,
Thou mercy to human kind is the legacy of this land,
Give me freedom to take thy last breathe,
I shall live again.