I Give To Thee Thy Brother

by Jacqueline Amos

The Sanctuary Of Thy Brothers Sacrifice I Give To Thee

I give to thee the cloth off my back
I give to thee the bread from my table,
I give to thee internal and external gifts of life,
bestrode under God's given light.
Thou give the spirits from the garden of Eden.
Submerging body of life, the purification of love,
I give in sight, love with your heart, not your eyes.
Conversions of our family tree, mercy to mankind,
Oh thou I give to thee, the greatest library in knowledge. 

Healing a restoring life. May the peace and blessings of Allah
heal the wounded and darkness of mans heart.
I give to thee the world in my hands,
I claim nothing, and I give it to Allah our God one God.

Thy shall never forsake thou brother,
For the pain shall pass through the flowing of thy vain,
the roots of thy family tree,Shall feel the pain.
Love not thy self forsaken others with great Harm,
sacrifice as our brother who gaveUp his life.

For who shall turn deaf ear to his brothers call
shall his family roots be cut from beneath his stall.
I thy brother keeper shall always be his, back when trouble call.
It is not the mountain on the hill, it is not the sky,
Thy lye upon your head, it is the feeling of great love,
w hich makes the world continue to turn.

Let not thy blindness be the defeat of justice for all.
Let not thy roots be turned to rotten roots of earth.
Hear me when I call.

I Give To Thee Thy Brother by Jacqueline Amos

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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