Stolen from me was my innocence
So vulnerable, and so blind I did not see it coming
My desperation for love overtook my sense of self worth sacrificing my dignity
At any and all cost just to feel whole.
Desperate for acceptance yearning for a place to belong
Dying to feel loved
Lost in a world all my own
Stolen from me was my future
My life was a self created maze that I could not escape
I could not find my path
With every wrong turn I seemed to fall into the arms of those
Who sought to lie, cheat, steal & eventually kill every ambition within me
I need a map
I was a threatening force to be reckoned with
unfortunately that force was unbeknownst to myself
Stolen from me was my spirit
by people who were suppose to be loving me
who instead planted seeds in my head of doubt & defeat
Fear overcame me
Stolen from me was my ability to believe that I could achieve anything
I put my mind too
Or did I give it all away????