
by Celia Amaral

Human ignorance
Fatal nightmare!
Error of thought.
Nobody is God,
To possess the world...
To take a life.
Nobody is so unhappy
That he could destroy the world.
Nobody is so happy
That he wouldn't be moved by the pain...
Of innocents. And you could avoid it.
Nobody gains anything waging war!
Not freedom, not happiness
Not pease of spirit, not pride;
With so many dead...Losses...Wounded pride.
Power ordains tragedy.
Nations return hatred with hatred.
Brothers kill each other.
The cries of suffering in the midst of cursed fumes
In man's inferno;
Of those who claim to  fight for pease.
In a word that was born free.
The majority of egotistical people
And leaders of nations wanting to dominate the word
Which already has a master: God,
War is nothing more than a lack of love...
For nature...peers...God...life...
For one's very self.
Nothing is left after war
Except suffering and destruction...
A consequence of its end.
Which when it arrives is already too late.

War by Celia Amaral

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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