It's Morning

by Alyce

...and though anticipated
with great trepidation
dawn sometimes comes abruptly
not with the gentle ease wished for...
prayed for..

even as the unknown elements
of a brand new day quicken the heart's pace
the hopes of what is now past still
feel most so distant

the stark light of this present moment
pierces the overcast, overruling all doubt
overrides all fear, real and imagined
for the time at hand is both demanding
and empowering

and as the sun arrays itself
prominently in the center of a new sky
the shadows of perplexity fade
the air is clear as the path that
lays ahead

because it's morning

It's Morning by Alyce

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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