In The Gloaming
(And All Through The Night)

by Alyce

     there is one moment
     when the eyelids
     of day flicker
     like a gentle
     breeze upon your lashes

     there is just one moment
     of all the hours
     and minutes in each
     God given day
     when the shadows
     of evening
     climb over the
     eastern hills
     and half of the sky
     is an amazing
     array of twilight
     melding into
     star bursts

     the cover
     of night is upon us,
     my love

     touch/feel me
     darkly beneath
     you & our shimmering
     all through this

In The Gloaming (And All Through The Night) by Alyce

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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