Not Again

by Quiet Dilemma

That’s how my head and heart feels now
Why did I answer the phone that day
It has been so long since you went away
I heard it ring
And something in my mind knew 
It would be you
I say
“Hey Stranger”
You reply
My how has the time went by
I hear your voice  
I can feel my heart flutter
Feelings and thoughts arise
My mind becomes cluttered
Why did I answer the phone that day
It has been so long since you went away
I can’t let these feelings out again
I’ve tried so hard to make amends
To put that part of life behind me
Locked in that little space in my heart
Nice and neatly tucked away
Never imagining hearing you say
“My love for you has never died”
Oh God...Am I about to cry?
Why did I answer the phone that day
It’s been so long since you went away
I say
Don’t go there with me now
You turned my life upside down
Now all of a sudden, you’re back in town
And now I’m just supposed to run back into your arms
Giving in to your subtle ways and feverish charms
I’ve gone on with my life without you
Or have I really?
After you 
There has only been a few
And all of them 
I compare to you
Too late
I’m falling
"Not again”
I say
Why oh why did I answer that damn phone today
It has been so long since you went away

Not Again by Quiet Dilemma

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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