Sink or Swim

by Alena Harris

I jumped into the water with you
because I trusted you to keep me afloat.
I couldn’t swim
and you had learned to swim on your own. 
At least that is what I thought.
And then a strong wave came along
and pushed you under momentarily.
But you remained calm and I didn’t panic
because I knew you would be ok.
At least that is what I thought.
Then an under current came
and began to pull you under.
And you reached out for me
and my instincts kicked in
and I was able to keep us afloat.
We would be ok.
At least that is what I thought.
The current begins to pull harder on you
and you slip out of my grasp.
You are drowning.
You are still reaching for me.
I can’t keep us afloat.
You are pulling me under.
I am beginning to drown.
I am afraid.
My instincts say to save myself,
but I am use to saving you.
I am not sure how much longer
I will be able to keep my head above the water. 
With me fighting to stay alive
and you slowly pulling me down.
I must stay afloat.
I can stay afloat.
I will be ok.
At least that is what I think?

Sink or Swim by Alena Harris

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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