Sad, Little Girl in the Corner

by Alena Harris

Sad, little girl in the corner
Eyes so big and brown see so much and tell even more.
More than the words that never seem to pass through your lips.
How can others know what troubles you if you say nothing?
How can it be fixed if you can’t tell what is wrong?
The squeaky wheel gets greased.
The silent one is assumed to be fine.
The furrow of your brow shows a sign of something.
But your lips told me that you are fine.
Little girl, little girl what do you want?
Tell me. Don’t make me guess.
Do you need a hug? Do you need a compliment?
What kind gesture can I do for you? Tell me.
The beautiful smile can only convey so much.
Not a truth though.
Because the tears coming from your big brown eyes say more.

Sad, Little Girl in the Corner by Alena Harris

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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