Forever Wandering/Wondering

by Alena Harris

Forever wandering along this path.
Looking all around.
Taking a Sunday stroll.
The scenery is nice.
I have met a few nice people who walk with me.
But soon they figure my pace is a little too slow
and they hurry on to their destination.
Unsure of where I am walking to.
Just kind of following the crowd,
That seems to get further and further away.
I can not decide where I am going to.
All I know is that I am supposed to go this way.
I have to move forward.
I get distracted along my path.
Once I realize I have been left far behind I scramble to catch up.
Just until I fall into my usual steady pace.
Just wandering along this path,
With no destination is sight.
Wondering where I am going.
And if this path is right.

Forever Wandering/Wondering by Alena Harris

© Copyright 2008. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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