Dead At Sixteen

by Ala_zay

She was an innocent young lady. 
Fragile and sweet. 
Knocked everybody who passed by off of their feet.

She was a good student,
Strong and free-willed. 
Most young men hearts she'd often tend to steal. 

She got involved Wiht a man,
a man named Joe. 
Joe was mainly known for being a hoe. 

He tricked her into giving him her purity. 
The lies hidden behind the glory she never did see.

He took her love as fast as she could give it .
Not knowing she was next to be a statistic. 

He couldn't hide it no more, 
His lies were revealed. 
She found her soul and life would soon be killed. 

She left him felling hurt, but with out a regert. 
Tested positive of having AIDS she looked foward to death. 

Now gone away sadly, 
She'll never live her dreams. 
Take notes Cause your life too, can end a sixteen

Dead At Sixteen by Ala_zay

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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