My Light

by Lyrical Aku

I wish it were money 
as simple as this honey.
But really it's not that simple
like that cheeky dimple.
Its a look in your eyes of sweet adoration
of a friends admiration
In a word whispering truth and love
memories tickling past moves 
It can be found in the chatter of a loved one
the sound of a compliment from a trusted friend
soft glances, flittering touches
Oh that it was in looks 
but it takes more than the secret of books
It's more than beauty
but its not cruelty
It can be a bore
Oh but it's never a chore
My light...

My Light by Lyrical Aku

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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