Intentionally I have been torn apart
my emotions shut down
made silent by fuelled hurt
said in cruel jest
by hands that knew me
faces that saw me
voices that spoke my name
in hushed tones
they spoke my name
to strangers from afar
conspired and sold me
to cultures I did not know
languages I could not speak
treated like a commoner
while born from royal blood
I have been torn apart
physically, emotionally and spiritually
my body abused by hands not fit
stolen from my generation
A gap left never to be filled
betrayed by my own
who looked at me with heated eyes
and scorned my proud carriage
my body has been broken – over and over
and yet my spirit lived free
within I was strong
proud and free
an eagle born, made to live like a thrush
my eyes burned fiercely
with the knowledge
for they knew as I knew
that I was alive inside
that my spirit would live on
would live to tell a story
of courage, hope and freedom
I have been torn apart
battered and in shambles
made to bear heavy yokes
and chains that strangled
deprived of humanity
bowed to another
stripped of honor and dignity
yet would I stand proud
for my spirit sang freedom
Freedom was its tune
Freedom was its hum
For my spirit would never be BOUND.