African Dream

by Lyrical Aku

I hold a dream

I dream of holding

fevered desires

wantings of a mind

depraved, people say

deprived, I reply

of Realities and Illusions

not allowed to hope,

for the leanings of a heart

that works for much and gets so little

For futures bright and

laughter of children

pride of nations, lost

Oh I hold a dream

I hold a dream

I dream of holding

fitting puzzles

of shattered hearts

and soldering together broken spirits

leaving behind

Black and White paintings

done by bloody hands

Mounting murals of exploding kaleidoscopes

meshing together rythmically, harmoniously

I hold a dream

I dream of holding

A sorrow deep felt

by a People lost

Lost to their own,

Identity, Culture, Roots

I hold a dream

I dream of holding

yesterdays, todays and tomorrows

of my own making

But i am lost in murky waters

of coloured peoples lurky factors

But I still hold a dream

African Dream by Lyrical Aku

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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