Know Thyself

by AKO

Would someone introduce to me
This man that I have never met
Although we keep close company
I do not know him I regret.
As I probe my memory, 
I recall the times where we have set
Just He and I in solitude
But not a word was ever spoke
Just the silent symphony
Of the mind doing its work
Others speak of him in turn
And say his is a man of great
I know for fact this is not true
For I am unable to relate
This stranger that I know so well
Has the power to inspire
But he has no effect on me
Although I do greatly desire
If by chance when next you see
Please tell him that I need his help
All that I have in front of me
I cannot do all by myself
He is the outward version of
Many have come to know and love
I would rather not speak so loud
Or be so visible in a crowd
But every time from deep within
This stranger shows himself again
Sometimes moving so fast is he
Unable to acknowledge me
and as this cycle continues to
Mostly unbeknownst to you
I struggle to try to get to know
The pain within I do not show
I say a prayer and take a breath
For I am a stranger to myself...

Know Thyself by AKO

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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