(A salute to the African-American men out there)
Complexity is his middle name
Beautiful is his kinky mane
He wears corn rolls, Afros, twist,
dreads and low cuts with waves
Carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders everyday
Mystery is just his way
His eyes tell stories of joys and pain
Financial success his is aim
His ebony colored skin
Almond, Carmel, paper bag brown, mocha chocolate, and
double fudge, any flavor you can imagine
He species is a rarity
His body can be found many different ways
obese, muscular, skinny, and thick
His style is so evident
Whether he drives a Cadillac, Lexus, Honda, or Hummer
Rims are a must
He uses words like Ma, peace, crib, kat, tight, i' ight
Just look at his shoes
from Timberlands to tennis shoes
Stacey Adams to Kenneth Coles
Most of my black brother have soul
he can C- walk and tootsie roll
most of my bothers got it going on
The black man is strong
he likes jazz, blues, and rap
his style is forever being imitated
Yet never has been duplicated
He is the Black Man