Battle Hymn for Grandma

by A Woman Worthy

In your eyes I see a  world of strength
Mingling with love and hope
I still see fight in you
I wish you could see inside my heart
I know you would find answers
Answers to mend you
If your happiness depended on how I feel
You would be experiencing joy
Grandma, we need you
I remember the plump grandma
The collard greens, fried fish with salad on the side on Friday, grandma
Those big orange plates
Serving grand pop dinner, grandma
The curling my hair for 2nd grade every other morning, grandma
(I tried my best not to mess it up during recess, grandma)
The sitting on the porch, sweeping the front
Jumping off the 52 bus, grandma
Aw, grandma I remember you
The riding on the 12 bus downtown, grandma
We always had bus tokens
Taking me to Ms. Connie’s to get my hair done that time, grandma
The telling me not to be afraid when my period started, grandma
The assertive, didn’t you carry a blackjack, grandma?
The take no mess, grandma
We didn’t worry about the strangers on the street downtown 
or those bad boys on the corner
They bettah watch out for us, grandma
Aw, grandma
I know you
The telling me not to cry at her funeral, grandma
Said you’d be happy with the LORD
The packing lunch for us to go to Kingsessing park, grandma
The playing cards with us, grandma
Showing me how to hold the hand I was dealt,grandma
The pushing us on the swings, grandma
The “I wish a Nigga would”, grandma
The trying to get me swimming lessons at the public pool, grandma
The paying for my first karate lesson at the Y, grandma
Grandma, I remember…thank you for the fabric that makes up my soul…

Battle Hymn for Grandma by A Woman Worthy

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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