I Stand Tall

by Afrika Abney

I stand tall
like a bark on a tree
thin and divine
pure and full of life
with my neck
tall and long
with my head
up straight and proud
like a pigeon
like a flamingo
with its slender neck
thin head
with my slender arms
a I stand tall
like a flower
fully grown
with its colors accenting one another
as its roots become moist
and its soil moist, but yet dry
still full of life
as I stand tall
I stand proudly wearing
my clothes
like a Queen
with my crown
on my head
symbolizing strength and pride
as I stand tall
I become
like the bark on a tree

I Stand Tall by Afrika Abney

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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